1The Eight Best Cherry Blossom Spots in Takamatsu City
Ryuo Park
This page introduces cherry blossom spots in Takamatsu recommended for visitors from late March to early April. Enjoy a cherry viewing picnic with a lunch and drinks!

2Do you love the sea or the mountains? Enjoy camping with your family or solo or as a beginner in a campground in Takamatsu, Kagawa.
Have a one-of-a-kind camping adventure in Takamatsu where you can enjoy both the sea and the mountains.

3I visited a greenhouse of Sanuki no Mezame, which cultivates asparagus, a seasonal spring vegetable beloved by people in Kagawa.
Chinese Restaurant Beijing, Honkan
In spring, this asparagus can be found in nice locations in supermarkets. It is also included in the recommended items at restaurants with a note such as “Sanuki no Mezame has arrived!” This is an asp