As of July 2020
Check which bus you wish to ride
How to Ride the Route Buses
1Check your destination and board the correct bus

When paying by cash:
2Take a numbered ticket.

When paying by IC card:
2Touch your IruCa card against the card reader.

3Press the STOP button

When paying by cash:
4Insert your numbered ticket and fare into the fare box.

Compare the number on the numbered ticket you took when you boarded the bus with the numbers shown on the fare display board.

Insert the numbered ticket together with the exact fare into the fare box at the front of the bus (located next to the driver’s seat) before getting off the bus.
- * You can change money using the exchange machine at the front of the bus. Please note that the machine will only accept ¥50, ¥100 and ¥500 denomination coins and ¥1,000 notes. You cannot change ¥2,000, ¥5,000 or ¥10,000 notes on the bus, so it is necessary to prepare the correct money in advance, before boarding.
When paying by IC card:
4Touch your IruCa card against the card reader.

IruCa IC travel pass
You can purchase your IruCa pass at any manned Kotoden station and use it when boarding any Kotoden train, Kotoden bus, Okawa bus, Shodoshima Olive bus and Community bus.This prepaid card can also be used in many shops across town (rechargeable up to a maximum balance of 20,000 yen)
How to Ride the Airport Shuttle Buses
The Takamatsu Airport Shuttle Buses link JR Takamatsu Station and Takamatsu Airport by a 40-minute bus ride. All buses operate to match the arrival and departure times of flights to and from Takamatsu Airport. All bus stops for buses going to the airport are marked with a common pictogram (an airplane icon). All seats on the buses are non-reserved, so advance reservations cannot be made. Fares vary depending on the interval that you ride. Pay your fare either in cash or using an IC card (IruCa card) when getting off the bus. (For the airport and some stations, prepaid bus tickets can be purchased in advance.)
Getting From Takamatsu Airport to JR Takamatsu Station
Shuttle buses leaving the airport only allow passengers to disembark. Apart from boarding the bus at Takamatsu Airport, it is not possible to board the bus at other stops along the way.
Getting From JR Takamatsu Station to Takamatsu Airport
Shuttle buses heading to the airport only allow passengers to board, and not to disembark at stops along the way. It is not possible to get off the bus at other stops along the way until the bus arrives at Takamatsu Airport.